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Reviews of RTE Recipes
We all seem to make RTE recipes so please feel free to review them here. I'm sure Nagi wouldn't mind as the credit is still given to her.
Oven Baked Fried Chicken
We loved this and have it often. I made it in the AF once but it did make a lot of mess, even though it was nicer.
It is similar to Chookie's recipe I think.
Chinese Beef with Honey and Black Pepper Sauce
Another favourite. I serve it with rice cooked in the Thermomix.
Satay Chicken Noodle Salad
I make the coleslaw for this in the Thermomix and the noodles in the Pasta maker. Its very tasty.
Crispy Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast
This is so very easy. You do need the parmesan she suggest.
Thanks Cookie. I will sort out the ones I have made.
Thanks from me too cookie, I have a few I can add. I’m sure I won’t remember them all though.
Spinach ricotta rolls
Very popular here with my gardener and handy to have in the freezer to quickly heat up the air fryer for unexpected visitors.
Sausage bake with potatoes and gravy
I made a serve for one of this recipe and really enjoyed it.
Oven baked chicken breast
Made so long ago that I can’t remember how it tasted but I have never been disappointed with any of Nagi’s recipes
Chilli con carne
Made this for a pie maker filling and was the favourite with the kids when I sent an assortment of pies home with DD. I reduced the amount of spice as I’m a bit of a whimp in that area but next time I won’t as I found I probably could handle a bit more heat.
Cocktail meatballs with sweet sour dipping sauce
Made these recently to add to DD’s Mothers’ Day High Tea, they were eaten in no time.
All purpose Chinese sauce
This is amazing, make up a batch and keep it in the fridge. It lasts ages and makes for quick stir fries.
Chicken stir fry
Creamy Vegetable Soup with Noodles
This makes a huge batch, I did half a batch and added some diced chicken as well. I did add a bit more of the chicken stock and the next few meals I ate with a fork as it does thicken up once cold and the soup turns into a pasta dish.
Gosh, I have made so many of her recipes, I cannot remember them all, although I DO remember making the creamy vegetable soup with noodles a week or so ago and it was great ... also reverted to a fork the next day to finish it off.
Like everyone I have made heaps too. We can just add them in as we go.
Thanks for the recipe recommendations girls.
Quick Asian Beef Ramen Noodles. (
I cook this quite often as it’s so quick, easy and very tasty. I prefer to use Pork Mince. I didn’t have bean sprouts once and used very finely chopped cabbage instead. Worked well.
Faster Chicken Stew.
This is really tasty. I made a half mix and this was enough for 3 plus leftovers for DH’s lunch tomorrow.
Apple muffins .. beautiful!
We had this Chicken with Creamy Sundried Tomato sauce for dinner the other night. It was quick and easy. The secret is definitely in using some of the tomato oil to cook the chicken in. I only used a tiny bit.
We had this Chicken with Creamy Sundried Tomato sauce for dinner the other night. It was quick and easy. The secret is definitely in using some of the tomato oil to cook the chicken in. I only used a tiny bit.
I am tempted by this one too, substituting the chicken, of course.
I made these soft flatbreads to have as wraps tonight. They are very easy and quick. You do have to let the dough sit for 30 minutes.
I’ve just made a batch of RTE Byron Bay White Chocolate Macadamia cookies.
DD and I will take a couple to the football tonight. I have made them before and they are delicious. This time I put gold chocolate chips in not white.
Apple muffins .. beautiful!
I made a batch of these to bring away. DH finished the last one this afternoon.
Lovely. One of our favourites.
Chow Mein Ramen Noodles. A very quick, but tasty meal.
Thanks for the review Cookie. I will definitely be trying this.
We had Chicken Fried Rice last night. I probably used too much rice but it didn't matter. It is really nice. Quick and easy. Especially if you chop everything before hand.
Fish Pie
Nagi lists this as a good one for Easter. We love it at anytime. It makes heaps so I only ever do half, that is more than enough for us. I use the smoked cod she suggests and then make up the rest using prawns, squid or whatever you like. You could use white fish or mussels. I use the thermomix to cook the onion, garlic and carrot and then continue on to make the white sauce.
I cook the potatoes for the topping in the thermomix too. It’s a lot less washing up.
We had RTE carrot salad last night. It was nice.
We also had her savoury muffins and these were very tasty.
Ha, this is the link I was looking for. Thanks Cookie.
I have RTE on line booklet for Chicken wings. It is excellent. I use 1/2 the BAKING POWDER as I find the full measurement too strong.
Those muffins look gorgeous, Cookie, did you mix them in the TMX and, if so, could you share what the mixing adaptation is please?
I didn’t use the thermomix Marina. They were so easy by hand.
Quick Chicken Tacos
These were very tasty. I used less chicken as there was only us but I used the same amount of sauce and just cooked it down until is was lovely and thick.
i made the Easy Soft Flatbread to go with them. I made it in the thermomix , let it rest for 30 minutes, rolled them out and cooked them. Easy and delicious.
No photos, we ate it too quickly. 😋😋
I have made this a couple of times and it really is nice. I don’t use the juices etc, but simply use it as cold meat. It’s very easy and lifts the corned beef flavour. I only ever use about 2 tablespoons of black pepper. I’ve never tried it with liquid smoke but I will one day.
Thanks Cookie. Must try this.
RecipeTin family favourite Prawn dipping sauce. Made this using mayo made in TMX. Made exactly to recipe except used green onion tops instead of onion. Excellent. Used locally grown baby capers.
Thanks for putting in the link for the Prawn Dipping Sauce. Judy? Everyone enjoyed this on Xmas day. Even those who said they didn’t like capers.
RTE , Turkey Cooked in SC was very successful. Lots of nice stock for gravy also even though I didn’t use any onion.
No worries thanks Chookie, anytime.
We had RTE Creamy Salmon Risoni last night. It said it served 4 so I made the full amount. I think it would serve at least 6. It's very tasty. I made it all in the thermomix and stirred the salmon through after I had put it in the thermoserver.
Thanks Cookie. Will try.
It looks nice and creamy cookie.
It was very like a risotto Judy.
Looks nice Cookie. Nagi is amazing isn't she? I love watching her little videos, even on some recipes that don't appeal. By the time she's finished, I want to make it. ;D
Looks nice Cookie. Nagi is amazing isn't she? I love watching her little videos, even on some recipes that don't appeal. By the time she's finished, I want to make it. ;D
Agree totally. The Age Good Food have picked her up and posts some of her recipes . Her recipes and very International and so well tested.
Looks nice Cookie. Nagi is amazing isn't she? I love watching her little videos, even on some recipes that don't appeal. By the time she's finished, I want to make it. ;D
Agree totally. The Age Good Food have picked her up and posts some of her recipes . Her recipes and very International and so well tested.
I have started seeing her more often on the Good Food site.
Thank you, thank you! I've not heard of her before. I'm now following her on FB and will be trying loads of her recipes. They look and sound scrumptious and I love her philosophy of simple, tasty food that anyone can cook.
There is so much to choose from and her portions are very generous. I often only make half for 3 of us and there is still left overs.
Her Mum’s recipes are also worth checking out. Very traditional Japanese, not westernised.
I have just made her Brazilian Coconut Chickpea Curry ( - very simple and easy to make as well as being totally delicious. It made heaps and is a straightforward conversion to the TMX. Mine ended up very wet so rice is definitely needed.
Another one to add to the collection.
Cowboy Bean Salad.
This was really nice. I used Red Kidney Beans as that was all that I had in the pantry.
I have just made this as well, it is really delicious
Ha ! I also looked at this and will make. Thanks Cookie and Marina.
Corn Chowder With Bacon.
A little bit involved but tasty. I didn’t have quite enough potatoes. The corn cobs are taken out before serving. As you can see I made this on the hot plates. Not the best photo, sorry!
Easy, Creamy Cheesy Potato Bake.
We had this last night and then the leftovers tonight. I only made a half quantity. It is really very nice and not toooooooo high in calories. Next time I make it I will use all milk and no cream (I had a bit of cream in the fridge this time) and just put the amount of cheeses that I want.
Cookie, looks nice. Thanks for the link.
Cookie, that looks good. Might make it to go with our left over Chow Mein for dinner tonight.
Creamy Tomato Bean soup.
This tasted very nice. I ended up putting 2 tins of beans in to make it the thickness I like. The third tin I just added at the end. I made it all in the thermomix. You need a 5 or 6 as the 31 doesn’t hold enough.
The baked Brie, a RecipeTinEats Post.
This was nice but I think I would like some dried fruit added. (
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It looks delicious.
I have always liked the thought of baked brie, but never actually had it ... maybe one day??
Marina, I bought 2 on special and froze them. Defrosted perfectly. RTE suggests buying budget Brie. This was the case here. It softened beautifully. DD reheated it in the microwave. Said it was perfect.
Chicken wings. Baked in AF. Good.
Easy Chicken Noodle soup. It was very easy and tasty. I made narrow, spaghetti like noodles to put it in, not wide ones like Nagi did. I needed to make it in the 5 as the bowl in the 31 wasn’t large enough. I used veggie stock and cooked some breast in a frying pan on the stove. I also added more vegies. The breast shredded itself as the veggies cooked.
Cookie, thanks for the photo. Looks yummy.
My favourite soup is chicken cookie, not sure if I’ve ever made that one.
Creamy Tomato Bean soup.
This tasted very nice. I ended up putting 2 tins of beans in to make it the thickness I like. The third tin I just added at the end. I made it all in the thermomix. You need a 5 or 6 as the 31 doesn’t hold enough.
I made this one as well, it's fantastic.
They are so nice for the weather we are having at the moment.
Soup looks delicious Cookie.
Baked Beans from RTE. This makes a lot.
Cookie, how did they taste?
Looks good as does your dinner set. I've been looking at your pattern in a few posts.
Would you tell me what it is? I love china.
Looks like Noritaki ? I also love China. Tend to go for more informal these days, but nothing nicer than the full works. Bought a French dinner set at an Auction. $20. Use it every day as the dinner plates are not too large.
The baked beans were really nice. Very much like tinned ones but with a little extra taste.
The dinner set is Royal Doulton. It was my Mum's everyday set!!!!!I am very lucky as I have 4 Royal Doulton dinner sets. I have Mum's everyday set that we use every day, her best one, a cheaper one I used to use everyday but it's missing bits now and MIL bought us one when we were first married. I love them all but fortunately we don't break much and so they will last for ever and ever. I love them and couldn't see the sense in tucking them away. I also have a collection of cup, saucer and plate that are Doulton. Some are mine but many were from Mum.
I agree cookie, you might as well use your beautiful dinner sets and your Mum would be pleased if she knew that you did.
Re the baked beans, I printed that recipe but I couldn’t find out what a serving size was therefore I couldn’t work out the nutritional values per serve. Nagi normally puts the serving size on her recipes I thought.
She mentions that it serves 8.We had heaps left over and DD and DH had it for lunch yesterday and again today.
Ah yes she does, that’s not what I meant to ask cookie. Can you tell me the serving size weight please?
It certainly is a lovely set Cookie. I think it's great that you use your china everyday. If family isn't special enough to use it, then who is? I use a Royal Albert set on weekends, DH won't use it through the week as he doesn't want to hand wash it.
Thanks, Michele and Cookie for the inspiration. We are having a dear friend for lunch tomorrow. I will get out the Wedgwood that we haven’t used since we came to Invermay. The Sterling silver might be a bit over the top so will use the plated silver. I’m sure it will give us all a buzz.
Ah yes she does, that’s not what I meant to ask cookie. Can you tell me the serving size weight please?
Judy, I haven't made Nagi's beans, but when I make any recipe that says serves 4 for eg, I get around it by weighing the whole lot at the end of cooking and dividing the weight by 4 so I get the correct serving size and place that amount into containers. I don't think of it as a pain to do as I'd rather get the size right. :D
JulieO what a brilliant idea. I usually eyeball the amount and mentally work it out. I’m going to start doing that.
Yes I’ve done that Julie but with this recipe I’m thinking maybe I should only make half the recipe as I don’t want too many bags of it in the freezer. If a recipe is for 4 I usually get more out of it than that.
Judy, for you I’d go with one tin of beans and a third of everything else. This will probably be enough for one meal and one over, or more.
DD bought herself a new printer yesterday and her new one has wifi. I love it, so I have been printing all the RTE recipes I love and will get Officeworks to make them into a book for me.
Thanks cookie, I’ll try that. Those printers are great cookie, from the comfort of my armchair I can print out anything I see whilst browsing on my iPad.
DD was doing a face to face lecture a while ago and I kept sending things to the printer. It is a bit noisier than the last one but seems great.
I made the roasted eggplant salad at the weekend
It was a delicious salad. I was a bit concerned that the eggplant wouldn’t cook evenly, but they were perfect. I used 2 tins of lentils but, unless I was feeding a lot of people, I feel that one would be sufficient (there are an awful lot of lentils in a tin!)
Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy.
The eggplant salad and the sausage bake look yummy. DH loves sausages, so must try it out.
Cookie, thanks for the photo. Our local Country Style Small goods producer makes amazing sausages. Will certainly try this recipe.
We are having it again tonight with some extra vegies. We had heaps left over. 😀
RTE my very best Vanilla Cake.
This is delicious. A little unusual to make, but yummy.
World’s Easiest Yeast Bread.
This was a sloppy mix, but she does say that it will be. The flavour was nice enough, however I think we can all make bread as good or better.(
Cookie, I think you are right. We can do much better.
I’ve posted my latest bread recipe on my Blog. It is similar to Cookies Classic bread. I cut a bit off the dough and made 2 bread rolls. I put them in a plastic bag and forgot about hem for 3 days. Today I discovered them. I stuck them under the tap and then popped into AF. They were lovely. Next lot I make I will make buns and rolls. Soft on the inside and with a light crisp crust.
Off to check it out.
Last night we had Chicken Satay Curry from RTE. We really enjoyed it. It was pretty spicy for me but the others loved it. I have frozen the leftovers for another meal.
Last night we had Chicken Satay Curry from RTE. We really enjoyed it. It was pretty spicy for me but the others loved it. I have frozen the leftovers for another meal.
That’s really funny Cookie. I used her recipe for Sate peanut sauce. Didn’t like it. Like my low fat recipe better. I think the difference is that I prefer the crunchy peanut butter.
We only have crunchy peanut butter so it gets used for everything. 😄😄
Chicken Tetrazzini. It’s very nice. I made most of it in the thermomix with the blade on reverse.
This was really nice. I made each bit earlier in the day and assembled it and baked it. (
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It sounds and looks really nice cookie, was the asparagus soft or crisp? I reckon I could do this and also use some of the other veggies suggested. Did you cook it in the a/f or oven? I find the a/f cooks much quicker than the oven so wondering if 10 mins would be too much in there.
The asparagus were softer than normal but not soft. I added in the carrot and corn. I think you could use any veggies with the potato. I just cooked all the veggies in the basket of the thermomix. I cooked it in the oven as the 3 packages wouldn't have fitted in my AF.
Thanks cookie.
Both recipes sound nice. Will give them a go. Thanks Cookie.
I don't know if there have been any comments yet on her Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, but I made some yesterday. Didn't have raisins so used cranberries, which worked really well. There was too much sugar so next time I would use less and use a bit more cinnamon. Nonetheless, the cookies were really delicious.
On thinking about my first sentence, does anyone think it might be a useful idea to highlight the name of the recipe at the very beginning of each post, i.e. capitals and bold to make it easier to search? Just a thought
Yes I think it would be easier if the title stood out Marina, good idea.
These sound delicious Marina. Thanks for the hint on the sugar.
Thanks cookie.
Thanks cookie.
Thanks from me too, Cookie
I love RTE recipes , but generally too many cabs and fat. I reduce both and size of serve also.I support her because she is generous in sharing her recipes and general info. She also does a nutritional count.
I love the nutritional count. I find you can change some things around for healthier options. I never use sour cream, always natural yoghurt. I also use milk instead of cream if possible and when it isn’t. I buy low fat cooking cream.
I see AWW have a new Diabetic cook book out. The sample recipe had no nutritional count.
Certainly not very helpful then Chookie.
Last night we had One Pot Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole. I only made a half quantity and it fed the 3 of us very easily. It was very tasty.
Last night we had One Pot Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole. I only made a half quantity and it fed the 3 of us very easily. It was very tasty.
I make something similar Cookie. Mine has rice cauli, broccoli, carrots & mushrooms.
I made this RTE soup today and was very disappointed in it, usually I love Nagi’s recipes. It was tasteless so I added a packet of chicken noodle soup, a heaped teaspoon of chicken stock and a litre more of water. I’d reduced the pearl barley to 1/2 cup but added more veggies as it was way too thick for me. I used a heaped tablespoon of VSC as the veggie stock component originally. Happier with my additions and ended up with 10 serves.
Judy, interesting. I find with pearl barley the are 2 preferences. Some like their soup so thick that their spoon will stand up in it. Other like us, like it more liquid.
I like my soup really thick and DH likes his thinner. We tend to alternate between the two.
I made this one today and although the taste was good the texture wasn’t right for me and I could only eat the egg.
They look interesting Judy. The link didn't work for me. I will try this one.
Thanks cookie, my ‘and’ was in the way - all fixed now.
I made her green bean casserole last week and didn't like it as much as her other recipes, the beans were lovely but somehow didn't work with the mushroom sauce, so I cooked up some pasta and tossed the mushroom sauce in that and it made a lovely meal.
I think we just expect her recipes to be spot on every time Marina but not every recipe can be a winner for all of us. Lucky you were able to use the mushroom sauce component to save the day. I am looking forward to her recipe book coming out though and will definitely buy it for DD2.
Yes I will buy it too Judy. Hopefully it will have lots of our favourites in there.
RTE has 3 free recipe books, in addition to chicken wings book. All can be downloaded.
She is very generous.
She is very generous.
She certainly is. Should be supported because of this.
I agree and her planned cookbook will sell like hot cakes.
An easy recipe and tasty. I made her tapenade too.
We added more tapenade when it was on our plates. The flavours went together well.
What a perfect hot weather dish, Cookie.
Love her recipes.
Sloppy Joe's. Tasty and easy.
I’ve had this on my to do list for ages and today I made it for lunch. It was delicious and for me it made 4 serves but I only used 1 piece of salmon. I also added carrots and some broccoli stalks which I softened in the microwave first. My colour isn’t as rich as Nagi’s as she obviously used dark soy and I used the light option. From this recipe I will be able to make a quicker version minus the salmon but with a variety of par-cooked veggies and caramelised onion instead. Salmon does nothing for me unfortunately but I wanted to give it a go.
Thanks Judy. It looks tasty. I have some salmon so will try it.
Sounds nice Judy. Could you sub chicken for the salmon?
No I can’t eat chicken Chookie. Veggie version will do me fine though.
I see RTE book is coming out in October and is available for pre order. I ordered mine from Big W as I hope they will be cheaper than some other places. ;D ;D
So did I cookie (for DD2], BigW was much cheaper than the others. Now to wait until October for it, at least it will be here before Christmas so that I can read it before passing it on. It will sell plenty of copies I’m sure.
I checked the price on a couple of the other outlets Judy and it was much more expensive. I’m really looking forward to seeing it.
Yes and I don’t know how they can be so far apart in pricing cookie. If anyone orders from the other suggestions then finds out how much the BigW copy is they’ll be kicking themselves.
RTE book is$10 cheaper at Big W.
Amazing isn't it? I'm glad I pre ordered there.
Those prices make you wonder who is making a profit out of her hard work.
This is a good, quick recipe to make ... but be warned, it moves so fast you have to have everything ready, measured out and in cooking order before you even start!
When we lived in Hong Kong there was one restaurant that our site locals used to buy us all lunches from (our work site was on an 'island' - in reality a slightly large'ish rock with no facilities) and one of the lunches they occasionally brought back was a tomato fried rice. I have tried to emulate it ever since without any luck, and this is the nearest I have come to it. I had to drop out the fish sauce in RTE's recipe, of course, but added an extra tsp of soy sauce instead. I also added a couple of finely chopped semi dried tomatoes and some of the oil from the SDT jar and got pretty close to my old favourite from HKG days.
Isn’t it great when you find an old favourite Marina. I might give it a go with fine vermicelli and prawns.
Well done Marina.
I made her Greek salad for the second time last night. It is quick, easy and consists of things we like. DH isn’t fond of the feta but he can pick round that.
I included lettuce to make it go further. We are having leftovers of it tonight with quiche.
We had the Butter Chicken from RTE book tonight. It was very nice.(
Fried cabbage with noodles and bacon from RTE’s recipe book page 57.
I made half the recipe and did use the bacon to add some flavour but discarded it when adding the onions and garlic. Tasty but a bit dry for me, I think it needs a sauce but that could just be me. I’m going to add some to soup and make a carbonara sauce for another meal.
Thanks Judy.
Cookie, thanks for pointing out the Greek Salad recipe.
A pleasure.
Quick Broccoli Pasta -
Made this tonight .... been meaning to make it for a while now but finally got around to it tonight. I had to adapt it a little to suit our dietary requirements but it was quick and delicious.
Thanks Marina. Another to add to my repertoire.
I made RTE’s Braised Beef Short Ribs in Red Wine Sauce for my Melbourne SIL who arrived today (DD is vegetarian) along with mashed potato, baked pumpkin, carrots and broccoli. His thoughts on the recipe? ‘That was the best meal I’ve had for ages. The meat and gravy were spectacular’.
I bought 4 ribs and as this cut of meat is quite fatty, after they were cooked I removed the bones and excess fat then added the meat back into the sauce. I left the veggies in the sauce option and there was enough for another meal tomorrow.
Sounds like another winner recipe from RTE Judy! A real treat for SIL.
He is really good to me Marina, often rings me from Melbourne, always brings me a gift and shouting the meal when he takes me and his Mum out for a meal. I really enjoying cooking a meat meal for him, DD doesn’t miss out - I did a potato & spinach frittata for her plus a RTE curried lentil dish this time.
Thanks Judy. It sounds delicious.
OMG Judy, that was a big Cook up. Sounds delicious.
I enjoy cooking for the kids Chookie, they have a healthy appetite and it keeps me from forgetting how to cook altogether.
I enjoy cooking for the kids Chookie, they have a healthy appetite and it keeps me from forgetting how to cook altogether.
I can relate to that.
I recently joined the RecipeTin Eats Appreciation FB group, she has become the Queen of recipes and has 54,900 followers at the moment. I had to chuckle when they started doing her Artisan bread recipe which she does in a cast iron Dutch oven as every man and his dog is racing out and buying one of those pots now. Remember in our forum’s early days when we did crazy things like that with the Pizza maker, air-fryer and I’m sure there were other appliances as well.
Yes, and what about the Sausage Roll machine. Today I made 8 small perfect bread rolls in this machine. 8 rolls for $1.25 !
1/2 no fuss recipe, double rise, 10. Mins cooking..
The ones on left, baked in cold machine. Ones on the right, heated machine.
One in front, cold machine. Taste tested, great.
Judy I had better have a peek at that facebook site. Chookie what a brilliant idea. They would be perfect size for so many things I do.
I must admit I love my AF and use it frequently, the pizza maker is one DD won and I have and use at least twice a month. I see where RTE won an award for her cookbook.
I recently joined the RecipeTin Eats Appreciation FB group, she has become the Queen of recipes and has 54,900 followers at the moment. I had to chuckle when they started doing her Artisan bread recipe which she does in a cast iron Dutch oven as every man and his dog is racing out and buying one of those pots now. Remember in our forum’s early days when we did crazy things like that with the Pizza maker, air-fryer and I’m sure there were other appliances as well.
and don't forget the pie maker and the muffin top pan as well :D
Yes, those too Marina - I knew there were more.
We heated the little rolls in AF and had some with dips. These are going to be very useful.
I use my muffin top pan to cook large, flat rolls on for burgers. It gets quite a workout. My pie maker does get used but probably not as much as it could.
The family loved the little rolls. Have ordered more. Heated beautifully in AF.
Also love my pie machine. I cook SD crumpets every week in it. The muffin top trays, so useful. Gifted to me by my good friend Judy.
My Blog is playing up. Can’t post new recipes so will post on Forum.
I love your little rolls Chookie, what a great idea and use of that machine.
Thanks Judy.
Made RTE Minestrone Soup. Lovely, especially with this cold weather. It’s very thick and more of a meal. I added my small roll garlic croutons. The flavour excellent. I made it in the TMX.
It’s definitely soup weather Chookie. I plan to have soup sometime over the weekend so I think I will make some of your sausage roll no fuss rolls.
Chookie I was only just reading all the positive reviews of Nagi’s Minestrone soup the other day so will make it for DD mainly but will see how I go with it. I may have to blend it a bit.
Judy, when I made this I thought of you. Yes you could easily blend it.
I love these little rolls. They will be very versatile. We ate all ours tonight, so I will have to make some more to make croutons from.
DD really liked Nagi’s Eggplant Parmigiana which I made for her this week, she is going to share it with her MIL who is recovering from knee replacement surgery. I ended up taking the skin off the baked slices of eggplant and made 4 serves instead of 8 which would have been way too much for DD. I left the final baking for her to do herself.
A pretty time consuming recipe but it was obviously worth the effort.
It looks yummy Judy.
It’s a popular one with her fans cookie. Mind you, they are not happy with all of her recipes and aren’t afraid to post negative comments sometimes as you would have noticed.
Thanks for that Judy. Why did you remove the skin?
The skin looked tough Chookie, I would have kept a serve for myself but removing the skin cut the quantity of the dish back to just 4 good serves. I will make it again though, will use more eggplants and peel it before I start roasting as I think I would like this one myself. The girls certainly wouldn’t complain if they got another serve or 2 each.
It’s a popular one with her fans cookie. Mind you, they are not happy with all of her recipes and aren’t afraid to post negative comments sometimes as you would have noticed.
Yes Judy, I have noticed.
I haven't noticed any negative comments, but then, I only read her regular emails, I don't follow her 'socials'. I suspect that it may be a case of you can't please everyone all the time. That's the trouble with the internet, you can be scathing and still be anonymous - we once got a negative review about our business, purely because the customer liked us, but didn't like the suburb / street we were in!!
That’s a bit unfair of your customer Marina, I would have thought customer service would have been the most important thing. The site I was referring to for Nagi’s fans’ comments all use their name and you have the usual love and dislikes of the recipes. Sometimes I think it may be user error though, she certainly gives plenty of notes and substitutes to make following her recipes easy but some people don’t bother to read it all.
I totally agree Judy. I may say something was too liquid etc but to criticise too much it probably is user error.
That's nasty Marina.
Some people are just plain nasty.. most however are nice.
Judy, I never peel eggplant. I use 1 a week. Even if the skin looks tough it softens when cooked. I make a lot of Ratatouille so it is cooked a long time. I use it without the skin for a dip but then I char it on the gas flame. Cut it in half and scoop out the flesh.
I wouldn’t dream of criticizing RTE. she is such a generous cook. Of course not everything is to everyone’s taste.
Depending on the recipe, I often zap eggplant in the microwave before adding it to the rest of the ingredients, just to be sure it is completely cooked (and if it doesn't matter that it is perhaps a bit mushier at the end).
Made the Balsamic Mushrooms. Cooked them in AF. Lovely. Handy to keep in fridge and reheat in microwave. Do a lot as they shrink to about a 1/3 rd.
I made these a week or two ago. They were very nice, but I have a similar recipe which I prefer. You are right, though, do lots as they shrink quite a lot!
I made these a week or two ago. They were very nice, but I have a similar recipe which I prefer. You are right, though, do lots as they shrink quite a lot!
Interesting, I thought I might rey some of my home made fruit vinegar next time.
That would be interesting Chookie - I'll keep an eye open for the result. I also thought a drop or two of liquid smoke might make a difference.
Marina, good idea.
They certainly sound delicious. I must buy some mushrooms and make them.
Marinated Vegetarian Pasta Salad
I made this at the weekend Unfortunately I didn't allow enough time for things to marinate but, despite that, it was really nice and lasted well in the fridge. I might swap some of the veges out (or add more) next time, but I am very happy with this recipe.
That looks nice Marina. Perfect for the weather that is coming up.
san choy bow (I think that is how you spell it, also called vegetarian lettuce wraps)
This is addictive! I made a batch today and unfortunately did not quite have all the ingredients but it was still a fantastic mix. This will see me through several lunches this week. The most annoying part - dicing all the vegetables finely to ensure they all cook and I was very happy that I had invested in a tofu press a couple of years ago - makes my life much easier. Once you have the prep done it only takes minutes to come together.
I wonder if my daughter would eat this, she doesn’t do tofu. It has great reviews on Nagi’s website. Do you eat it hot or cold Marina?
I'm not sure what a good tofu replacement would be - perhaps seitan? I think it would have to be something with a relatively soft texture (and I don't think seitan is particularly soft, come to think of it) and neutral taste. I'm thinking I would eat it as part of a wrap, so room temperature ... although my preliminary taste was whilst it was still warm and it tasted lovely.
I made RTE Sloppy Joe’s today.
I made Chookie’s No Fuss rolls and we had them with Vegetable Waffles from Cookidoo.
I’ll show the recipe to DD Marina, it looks so nice.
An oldie but a goodie cookie.
Celebration Punch
My neighbour made some yesterday and bought it over for "dusk" drinks. It is absolutely gorgeous. Even the guys got into it instead of wine!
I’ll have to check this out. Thanks Marina.
Nagi's big easy pasta salad
Well, this is certainly BIG!!! Made it for dinner last night ... and tonight ... and tomorrow night!
Actually, it is really nice. I couldn't get my hands on basil, but used dill instead. DH thought it would be better made with penne as it is so slippery so you could slip it onto the fork's tines, but I don't know that penne would hold the dressing as well as the smaller shaped pastas. Still, will be making this again in the future.
I must check this one out. I like a lot of her salads.
I feel these have too much baking powder in. I could taste it over the almonds. I will use 2 teaspoons next time.
Thanks Cookie.i was looking at these.
Her new book won’t be too far away now Chookie.
I'm looking forward to it.
Her new book won’t be too far away now Chookie.
Can’t wait. Ha you know how I enjoy a new cook book. E
Her new book won’t be too far away now Chookie.
Can’t wait. Ha you know how I enjoy a new cook book. E
Made first 2 recipes from new RTE book. Charlie sauce and stir fry Veggies. Both excellent. Handy to keep the Charlie sauce in fridge.
My DS pointed me towards RTE Facebook . The recipes are very American and called RT. All very similar and high calorie. He suggested I look at the Amish White Bread recipe. It contains egg and butter. Light Brioche recipe?
We had this for dinner last night.
It made lots and was very nice.
Bruschetta Summer Pasta Salad - delicious - a bit 'slippery' but very easy to make and makes heaps
Made this for DF a few days ago and the noises he made whilst eating it convinced me that he loved it. I doubled the recipe so that he could take a frozen uncooked one home for later, it fitted perfectly into his ckd diet plan. I love finding gems like this for him.
It is always a triumph when you get that reaction to your cooking. Obviously a DF of refined tastes.
I think he appreciates something different Marina, so simple to make too.
That’s great Judy. Do your ‘what you can eat’ diets aline at all?
Yes sometimes cookie. I tend to put more effort into eating what he cooks followed by water after each mouthful.
Well done Judy.
Thanks Chookie.