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Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Recipe Book Recipe Reviews => Topic started by: riv_mum on March 12, 2010, 10:24:27 am

Title: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: riv_mum on March 12, 2010, 10:24:27 am
Chicken, Leek and corn pie,
Budget busters book
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: CreamPuff63 on March 12, 2010, 03:01:03 pm
Must say RM that was the shortest sweetest review I have seen.... Did you enjoy it, or wAs it ho hum...
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Thermomixer on March 12, 2010, 10:45:48 pm
LOL - sounds like it was so good that Sheree just had to go and finish the rest off before filling in more details.  ???
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: cookie1 on March 23, 2010, 07:53:49 am
I've made this and we enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: riv_mum on March 23, 2010, 10:23:28 am
Funny, I started this one ages ago but something happened and comp crashed. I didnt even think it would publish and havent had time to go back and do it again!

I was delicious anyway. No changes apart from using 1 leek instead of 2.
I made it into pot pies instead of one big one. It made 3 full ramikans and 3 half ones for the kids.
Everyone loved them. Very easy and quick too.

5/5, will be making them again.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Thermomixer on March 24, 2010, 11:58:00 am
Boy it looks like it got better with age - went from 4 to 5/5 ??   ;)
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Cornish Cream on March 30, 2011, 09:02:43 pm
I made this for our supper this evening,we all enjoyed it.I used chicken thighs,DH isn't keen on sweetcorn so I used half sweetcorn and half frozen peas.Topped the pie with Cookie's Cream Cheese Pastry,which is so easy to make ;D Next time might add a splash of white wine to the sauce  :-))
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Lellyj on April 03, 2011, 11:53:54 am
Oops I just reviwed this on the recipe book review thread . . . didn't realise this was here.  But it was a 5 out of 5 for an easy family meal from us too.

Here's Lelly's review

Tweaks:put mix in 6 large ramikins and covered with a quarter sheet of puff pastry, sprinkled with egg wash and sesame seeds to make little mini pot pies.

Verdict:  All happy!  Yummy and easy.  Have found that many pot pie recipes from pre Thermomix days were quite runny and watery so I thought the filling of the consistency was great. 
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Kath on June 14, 2011, 03:39:15 am
Thanks for this review! I just came here looking for this recipe, I am making it for a friend but I don't eat meat so won't be doing taste testing!  :)
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: mcmich on March 22, 2012, 06:28:04 am
Will be trying this one out for guests on the weekend. Am going to post photo.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: goldfish on March 22, 2012, 07:30:30 am
Thanks for this.  Many years ago (as my chn would say, " . . back in the day . .!") when I was living in the US, I came across a little paperback called "365 ways to cook chicken" . . This was a goldmine - lamb chops - on which I was raised along with the 2-3 veg - just being way too expensive in NYC .  Also the US lamb tasted very differently to the Auss lamb I was used to.,, but that is yet another story.

I'm now looking at doing my own "365 ways to cook chicken"  and maybe also a fish version . . of TMX recipes as in the last year or so I've developed an allergic reaction to red meat.  It started out with a beautiful lamb dish my DD had prepared.  Half way through the night I woke thinking the house had been invaded by millions of microscopic stinging residents of the insect world.  Torso, arms and thighs became a replication of a relief map of the ancient world - raised and red  . . . and itching and burning!  No amount of metho, white vinegar, etc etc etc and showers brought any relief.

We analysed (well, tried to) the ingredients, the wine, etc etc.  Another try with lamb and it happened again and again.  Then it came after  a piece of steak for dinner one night.  I changed butchers (at least 3x), blamed additives, you name it.

Ok, I thought . . . chicken and fish it is.  A recent visit to both a homeopath and to a GP (for other reasons) brought the identical question: "Have you ever been bitten by a tick?"  Well, yes I had - one in 2009 and a really nasty one in 2010 on the back of my head.  Apparently, these little critters can produce this reaction when one consumes red meat  quite some time after the assault - not everyone -   I was just one of the lucky ones! :-))  One theory is that it might depend on what the tick has been feasting on before it bites you . . .(lovely thought - we won't go there!)  Must say though, it's good to have a feasible explanation!

So, if you live in a tick area please take extra care!  Most things on God's earth seem to have a purpose . . . I'm yet to find any purpose for these little monsters having almost lost one dog one year and almost her brother the following season (despite precautions) . . and now this.

Now for these chicken pies . . . .!!!! ;D  (Not game to try the beef and ale from FFS but it sounds mouthwatering! . . .I wonder if I sub.ed chicken . . . . will give it a go and let you know!) ;D

Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: judydawn on March 22, 2012, 09:27:18 am
Good luck goldfish.  I'm sure I could live on chicken and fish alone as we don't eat a lot of red meat but I daresay if I wasn't allowed to have it I would desperately crave for a piece of lamb or beef.  It's a blessing when the problem is finally diagnosed though so if you stay away from these meats, you should suffer no more.  I hate ticks and the damage they can cause to aminals and humans.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: cookie1 on March 27, 2012, 06:26:56 am
Goldfish that is scarey. DH's car club has bush all round it and he has come home with a tick a couple of times.

I'm sure you could make any pie by replacing the meat with chicken. Perhaps with the Beef and Ale pie use white wine instead of ale.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Merlin on March 27, 2012, 07:46:37 am
Can someone please pm this recipe to me. I have the budget busters book somewhere and have misplaced it- more likely the kids have stuffed it somewhere sneaky. I have done this recipe before but can't remember the method, so until I find my book (hopefully I don't have to buy another) I would be very grateful for the recipe.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: goldfish on March 27, 2012, 08:16:08 am
Hi JD - becoming quite used to it now . . I used to crave lamb chops (hmmm . . must not think . . .must not think . . about lamb chops!!) . . and find that chicken and fish go a long way - also vegetarian type dishes are good too.  

Cookie - thanks for the suggestion about the beef and ale pie!!  I appreciate that and  I'll give it a go.

Merlin . .will PM you.

Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: inthekitchen on July 12, 2012, 05:18:59 am
Making this as pot pies tonight :) after the good reviews I'm really looking forward to it!  (I always come on the forum to check a recipe review before I make it, some of the tips have been really useful ). 
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: inthekitchen on July 13, 2012, 05:07:32 am
I found these really easy to make (as pot pies). I used one leek, rather two.  Next time I think I'd reduce the corn and leeks & maybe add some diced carrot, potato and mushrooms too.  I'll definitely make again  :)
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: KathD11 on July 15, 2012, 12:08:56 pm
I made this pie last night, very delicious. I didnt have enough corn so made the volume up with peas. I thought you could easily substitute the chicken with tuna and DH said it would be nice with mushroom and tarragon added as well.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: frazzled_mom on July 15, 2012, 12:28:24 pm
Can i get recipe for this pie anywhere in the forum? Was it posted before??
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: courton on July 15, 2012, 01:42:06 pm
Love the recipe as well please!
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: courton on July 17, 2012, 11:13:39 am
Thank you forum member! Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: frazzled_mom on July 21, 2012, 12:34:33 pm
Hi all.

I am trying to figure out how to line my pie dish with pampas frozen puff pastry. Is that the correct pastry type to use??

It seems the pastry sheet is not big enough. Is it ok to patch up?? And the top wont be covered fully too. As the pie dish is bigger than the pastry sheet. I am confused.

Can anyone post some photos?? So i sort of have ideas on how big and deep the pie dish should be?? Mine is currently round and quite shallow. Usuallu used them to bake quiche etc. My other one is way too big.

All help appreciated. Photos of the correct pie dish size as to this recipe's portion is most appreciated. Thx
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Cornish Cream on July 21, 2012, 01:17:40 pm
I didn't line my pie dish fm,just put a pastry lid on top of the filling.I can't remember which dish I used but it was something like this ( but mine is ceramic not enamel. ;D
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: frazzled_mom on July 21, 2012, 02:25:03 pm
Oh ok. I dont think i have anything like that. Thx though CC.
I thought it would be something like this photo below. Obviously it is way too shallow. I'll keep looking of possible dishes at my house. I'll dig out the drawers and cabinets tmrw. Thx CC

Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: judydawn on July 21, 2012, 02:26:34 pm
frazzled_mum, yes the Pampas puff pastry sheets are the type specified in the recipe.  Once they have thawed just overlap 2 edges together and press them together to make the sheet bigger.  As CC did, it's not essential to have pastry in the bottom but it's up to you if you want a complete pie or just meat with a pastry topping.  You could make it into 2 smaller sized dishes or even in individual ramekins if you prefer.

Just saw the quiche tin you posted - that is way too small and shallow for a pie that would serve 6 people. Do you have a lasagne dish perhaps, not a huge one but a medium sized one?
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: KathD11 on July 22, 2012, 12:14:31 am
I used a rectangular glass pyrex dish for my pie and lined the bottom with pastry, I cut off any extra and pressed it back on in the spots that needed it (like the corners) it worked pretty well for me! But I did use more than the 2 sheets specified...think it was 3 or 4
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: courton on July 23, 2012, 10:57:33 am
Made this tonight. Needed to cook for 8 mins longer for all the chicken pieces to be cooked. 5/5 from us. Yum.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: Bubbles on July 31, 2012, 12:31:41 pm
I made this last night. Really yummy, actually tastier than I expected it to be. I think if I was making it again I'd pulverize the leeks so that it would be more appetizing to DD4 & DS2. I think adding mushrooms peas & carrots would be nice. I used 4 sheets of frozen pastry in my big lasagna dish. I had to turn up the oven quite a lot towards the end to brown off the pastry.
Title: Re: Budget busters, Chicken, leek and corn pie
Post by: cecilia on June 09, 2015, 11:50:53 am
What a fabulous recipe!  Was this one of Tenina's?  Everyone at our meal tonight just *loved* it and wanted the recipe.  Thank you to cookie too.  Her yummy cream cheese pastry made for a beautiful pie.