Forum Thermomix
Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Drinks => Topic started by: isi on April 19, 2010, 01:02:09 am
I love this liqueur - on top of a Desert with Ice Cream or just like this!
So simple to make and a delight for everyone.
As my mother brought me fresh Biological eggs I decided do this and now share with you.
Hope you enjoy.
4 eggs
200 grams sugar
Inside of a vanilla bean
350mL Vodca
150 grams cream
Put Eggs, Sugar and Vanilla in the TMX and Program 5 minuts / 60º / Level 5
After this join the Vodca and Cream and Program another 3 minuts / 60º / Level 4.
Fill inside of a Bottle.
Isi's back, Isi's back, happy dance husband has been wondering where you are as he looks forward to your contributions.
This sounds really nice. I love creamy liquers as I've really gone off anything that is usually served with coke or anything fizzy. Not much left after that.
Thanks isi, missed you too. This one looks so much thicker & therefore nicer than our version in the Festive Flavour cookbook which I have made a few times.
Cathy, my favourite drink using this Advocaat is with coke :-)) :-)) :-)) Sounds strange but is delicious and even non-coke lovers enjoy it. It's called a Dutch Latte and uses 45mls advocaat and 450mls coke. Pour 1/2 the coke into a tall glass, add the advocaat and then the rest of the coke taking care to avoid frothing. Stir & enjoy ;) ;)
Thanks Isi - another greeat little recipe and yummy too I bet.
I remember when I was a lot younger that advocaat and coke was one of THE drinks. :D :D :D :D
I didn't try much when I was young Thermomixer but sure am making up for it now ;D ;D ;D ;D
Definitely going to try this. I remember advocaat and lemonade being called a Snowball, thanks Isi :) :) :)
Thanks Isi, I will try this one tomorrow, as my consultant is coming for tea .