Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Drinks => Topic started by: isi on April 19, 2010, 01:02:09 am

Title: Egg Liqueur
Post by: isi on April 19, 2010, 01:02:09 am

I love this liqueur -  on top of a Desert with Ice Cream or just like this!
So simple to make and a delight for everyone.
As  my mother brought me  fresh Biological eggs I decided do this and  now share with you.
Hope you enjoy.




4 eggs
200 grams sugar
Inside of a vanilla bean

350mL Vodca
150 grams cream


Put Eggs, Sugar and Vanilla in the TMX and Program 5 minuts / 60º / Level 5

After this join the Vodca and Cream and Program another 3 minuts / 60º / Level 4.


Fill inside of a Bottle.
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: cathy79 on April 19, 2010, 01:09:00 am
Isi's back, Isi's back, happy dance husband has been wondering where you are as he looks forward to your contributions.

This sounds really nice.  I love creamy liquers as I've really gone off anything that is usually served with coke or anything fizzy.  Not much left after that.
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: judydawn on April 19, 2010, 01:39:02 am
Thanks isi, missed you too.  This one looks so much thicker & therefore nicer than our version in the Festive Flavour cookbook which I have made a few times.

Cathy, my favourite drink using this Advocaat is with coke  :-)) :-)) :-))  Sounds strange but is delicious and even non-coke lovers enjoy it. It's called a Dutch Latte and uses 45mls advocaat and 450mls coke. Pour 1/2 the coke into a tall glass, add the advocaat and then the rest of the coke taking care to avoid frothing.  Stir & enjoy  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: Thermomixer on April 19, 2010, 09:13:10 am
Thanks Isi - another greeat little recipe and yummy too I bet.

I remember when I was a lot younger that advocaat and coke was one of THE drinks.  :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: judydawn on April 19, 2010, 09:54:32 am
I didn't try much when I was young Thermomixer but sure am making up for it now  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: rainbow on April 19, 2010, 01:29:40 pm
Definitely going to try this.  I remember advocaat and lemonade being called a Snowball, thanks Isi  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Egg Liqueur
Post by: achookwoman on April 19, 2010, 01:42:59 pm
Thanks Isi,  I will try this one tomorrow,  as my consultant is coming for tea .