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Messages - Bubbles

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Chit Chat / Re: Hiding vegetables
« on: May 19, 2012, 11:54:43 am »
Just found this thread, and definitely going to give some of these great ideas a try, especially yours KerrynN thanks :)
I will have to get my mindset into the mode of taking the opportunity to add more veggies to a sauce when I can. I am still so new at it that I am following recipes exactly, and forgetting the power of the TMX to make "If only you knew" or "Clean out the fridge" recipes/sauces ;D
I agree Merlin, and with a 2 and 4 year old, it is really a nice feeling when you know they have had all those nutritious veggies without the time and effort of "negotiating" and increasing the stress at dinner time.  :-))

Chit Chat / Re: 21st present ideas please (Female)
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:52:42 pm »
I had the thought today of perhaps a nice set of crystal glasses ... I guess she will move out of home one day lol  :)

I was going to suggest glasses also. I got nice crystal glasses, wine glasses, and a set of beer glasses from a group of male friends, and I still have them all. Also I don't think you can loose with a nice bag/wallet, you can never have too many when you're 21 can you? ;)

We just had these tonight, DD4 & DS2 polished off their plates, devouring the very tasty gravy like tomato sauce.. and here was I thinking that they didn't like gravy apparently...  :-))
Thanks heaps Chelsea  :)

Babies and Kids / Re: cheese and zuchinni mini muffins
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:06:04 pm »
I  made these today and they were a hit with DH, DD4 and DS2. I doubled the recipe and added bacon as suggested in another post. Tasty, I used spray oil on my muffin tins so that they wouldn't stick and they came out no worries. Will definitely be making these again thank you :)

Am I right in saying that the stock lasts for up to 6 months in the fridge with the amount of salt in them? (I think that's what my consultant told me)?

Rules and Instructions Of Use / Re: Tagging Favourite Recipes
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:46:57 pm »
I send to my Evernote program which will synchronize with my phone. i also have a shopping list in the phone,  so easy now when i am shopping   

fundj, is that the evernote free app you are talking about? I have just downloaded it hoping it will help.

At the moment, I just keep adding to my favourites bar on my macbook under 'Thermomix' but it is growing and growing, and I have no way of recording whether I have tried the recipe or not, I am already starting to lose track!

Chit Chat / Re: Recipe app for iPad?
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:18:32 pm »
Well that's how much it was when I looked it up on my macbook, but then I just looked it up on my iPhone and it was only $5.49, so now I'm not sure how much it would be for an iPad.

Chit Chat / Re: Recipe app for iPad?
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:03:36 pm »
Is the paprika app really $20? It seems expensive for an app of its kind, but then I haven't looked at any other recipe organising apps before so that could be a standard price..?

I made this a couple of days ago, and it was my first attempt of making something I would usually cook in my slow cooker, in the TMX. Both DH and myself noticed how much better the sauce tasted without the fattiness of the meat sitting in it when cooking, and also when I pulled out the leftovers from the fridge the next day, there wasn't a film of hard fat sitting on top :D  We loved it, and so did our kids. My DS2 was calling it 'echo echo' ;D

Introduce Yourself / Re: I just made my 1st post ever!
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:47:33 am »
Thanks, looks great  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
« on: May 12, 2012, 06:08:18 am »
They had quite a few TMs particularly in the first and also second series.
Was it mainly in the masterclasses or were the contestants allowed to use the TMX?

Chit Chat / Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
« on: May 11, 2012, 03:14:32 pm »
Love the fact that occasionally a TM comes up on Masterchef- ie TM spotting!

Actually, Masterchef was where I first saw a Thermomix, so it has been an expensive show for me! I'm very glad I saw it though.

Oh really? I have never spotted a TM on Masterchef, but keep thinking if I"m ever watching it that they so NEED one on that show!

Introduce Yourself / Re: I just made my 1st post ever!
« on: May 11, 2012, 03:11:11 pm »
Hi Deborah, nice to hear the sorts of things you make in TMX. Would a muslin cloth substitute for a milk nut bag do you think? Also if you have a chance to post your brownie milk recipe sometime, I'd be interested in seeing it  :)

Babies and Kids / Re: Appealing soup for 2 & 4 yr olds?
« on: May 11, 2012, 06:51:08 am »
That is so great to hear astarra, I am actually 4 months pregnant and already thinking how much more healthier this bub will be eating (even though I tried to make my meals healthy preTM), and I am already thinking how easy it will be to whiz up a bit of extra left overs and chuck it in ice cube trays for the bub-such a time saver. Also I am actually having my Varoma demo tonight, so will be able to try out the chickpea soup on my  littlies. I like the baked beans plan B, DizzyGirl! Sometimes I find it so disappointing, especially if I think its delicious, when my kids won't eat something I've made for them!! (But less disappointed now I have TM as 1. it took less effort, and 2. it really is delicious!)

Babies and Kids / Re: Appealing soup for 2 & 4 yr olds?
« on: May 11, 2012, 04:59:15 am »
Good on you Halex for starting early. I should have, its just that my food processor was so rubbish and so small, it didn't seem worth the effort in the end for one meal for the 4 of us, so I would only make one soup each winter and then give up! But I will definitely persevere and give all these suggestions a go. I like the idea of the shaped pasta dede, and thank you for the link Emerald Sue, will give all these a trial and report back!

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