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Messages - Bubbles

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Chit Chat / Re: Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 16, 2012, 01:20:43 pm »
congratulations bubbles , thats a huge effort getting all those meals ready so early
 they will come in so handy

Thanks Nazar :) I just feel so great about it, I keep opening the freezer just to look at them  ;D ;D ( I think I'm going a little crazy...!)

Chit Chat / Re: Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 16, 2012, 01:19:24 pm »
Oh another baby due in October. My sister is due the 28th. Very exciting time.
And your so organized which I'm sure will be a huge help when the baby arrives. :)
Does your sister have other kids dede?

Chit Chat / Re: Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 16, 2012, 01:18:32 pm »
Oh another baby due in October. My sister is due the 28th. Very exciting time.
And your so organized which I'm sure will be a huge help when the baby arrives. :)
Ooh I am due on the 28th as well! But I was 15 days overdue with DD, and 11 days overdue with DS, so I'm thinking it will be mid -November realistically :-))  ;D

Chit Chat / Re: Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 16, 2012, 01:17:01 pm »
Haha no I love it! I love hearing about all the varying birthday celebrations. I had a big 31st birthday party almost 2 years ago, because I was heavily pregnant with DS when I turned 30.  :D

Ooh this sounds delicious Thermolicious :D Will definitely have to give this one a go ASAP :)

Chit Chat / Re: Lambs - alive
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:15:12 pm »
Lol. We usually have a few every year. We get them better then try to give them back to their mums or adopt them to another mother that has lost a lamb. They are very demanding and noisy when they want their bottle. I had one called Charlie last year and he was great. He followed us everywhere. I even took him to school one day (Mary had a little lamb lol) the kids loved him. :D
Yes they have a good set of lungs on them when they are hungry (despite how weak they are, and no matter what time of day or night) hey dede?!

Chit Chat / Re: Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:13:14 am »
No I am very lucky, I already have a DD (4) and DS (2)  :D
My DH will be doing long hours from when the baby is due end of Oct, through to Christmas, not finishing until 9ish most nights. I found that quite stressful when DS was born, so it will be amazing to see the difference having a TMX this time.  :)

Chit Chat / Nesting..Thermomix style...
« on: July 15, 2012, 03:18:54 am »
Even though I am only 26weeks pregnant, I've spent the school holidays going crazy with nesting-especially cooking! I now have a total of 18 family meals in the freezer. I feel SO organised :D

Main Dishes / Re: Simple Avocado fettuccine With Bacon
« on: July 14, 2012, 11:23:57 am »
We have just had this tonight with great success! DH,DD(4)&DS(2) and I all loved it! Thanks Maddie :D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Which recipe book is best for a newbie??
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:36:53 pm »
MamaMix, check out this list of URL links of people who own TMX's and share their recipes with us. 
Thanks for this link JD, I hadn't come across that thread yet.
I too mainly use this forum, far more than any recipe book I've bought. All the suggestions and tweaks help so much.

Chit Chat / Re: What book are you reading?
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:25:57 pm »
Yes ES! I have a really hard time finding time to read everything on this forum (let alone reply) let alone read a book!  :D I have a pile on my bedside table waiting to be read, but am too tired by the time I go to bed  :-))

Drinks / Re: Winter Banana "Smoothie"
« on: July 08, 2012, 11:55:22 am »
Just made this again, but with my pregnancy brain forgot to add the honey :-)) so just drizzled it in the glass at the end, and shared with my DH-thumbs up again! The honey was a nice addition too I think, thanks again Amy :)

Main Dishes / Re: Chicken, Feta & Spinach Triangles
« on: July 08, 2012, 11:30:04 am »
Hi Chrissa, Sorry I missed your post, not sure what happened :-\
I think I put hot water in, but I just kept stirring the chicken pieces every now and then to make sure they were cooking evenly and cut one up at the end to make sure it was cooked (hence my 10-15 min guide, I guess it depends on how big your chicken pieces are)
Sorry I'm a bit vague! And also sorry I'm a bit late with the reply! Anyway hope it worked out for you  :)

Drinks / Re: Winter Banana "Smoothie"
« on: July 08, 2012, 11:23:48 am »
Thanks for this yummy recipe Amy!!! I'm not a real smoothie person, let alone a warm one (or so I thought) but my sister visited yesterday from interstate for the first time since I got my TMX and I got her to choose the first recipe for me to cook off the forum and she chose this one .. and we both LOVED it! In fact I think I might make one now, as a before bed treat! yum yum!!
Do you think honey would go well in it? (That was my sister's suggestion)

Desserts / Re: Golden Syrup Dumplings
« on: July 08, 2012, 11:18:50 am »
Made these last night and they were delicious. The sauce was a lot runnier than the version my mum used to make when I was little, would adding a couple of teaspoons of cornflour to the sauce with two minutes to go make it thicker? I  might try that next time.

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